Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Seedling Debate - How Deep Do They Go?

Although it’s great to start vegetables right in the ground from seed, sometimes we gardeners have to compromise to provide a controlled environment or the right timing for starts.  Whether grown at home using a heat mat or greenhouse, or picked up at the local nursery, Bill has learned a few tricks over the years about transplanting seedlings.  There are two key things to remember.  First of all, leave the roots as undisturbed as possible - don’t loosen them as you would with plantings of trees and shrubs even if they are compacted.  Secondly, handle seedling by their leaves and not their stems.  Disturbing the roots or damaging the stem will slow the initial growth of seedlings once they’re in the ground.  There’s no question it can be a challenge to get seedlings out of a six pack intact and can occasionally require some aggressive loosening and pushing.  If all the potting soil comes off the roots don’t give up in dismay - just plant seedling with bare roots as gently as possible.  If there are multiple plants in each cell, gently tease them apart and plant separately.  Almost all vegetables except carrots, radishes, and turnips can be transplanted when young.  Surprisingly even beets can be easily transplanted as seedlings. 

When it comes to planting depth, we two bloggers have a difference of opinion and experience.  Bill argues for planting at the same depth as the soil around the seedling and Terry would have been in the same camp up until this year.  At an amazing organic production garden in Occidental, Terry was instructed to plant all seedlings deeper than the current root ball – digging a hole deep enough to bury them to just below the first set of leaves.  Ever the science teacher, she ran an experiment in the Havens garden this winter with brassica family plants.  Students planted broccoli, chard and cauliflower, all from the same batch of seedlings, at two different depths.  At first all the plants seemed to grow at the same rate, but then the deeper plantings really took off, producing much more vigorous and productive plants.  From now on seedlings in her garden are going in at a deeper level.  With this new data, we’ll have to see what Bill decides.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time to Plan the Summer Vegetable Garden

From Bill:
Whether you’re about to embark on your first vegetable garden or have many years of experience, it’s time to be thinking about where and what to plant this year.   No matter how much you know, there’s always more to learn about vegetable gardening and there are lots of books out there to advance your knowledge.  On a recent visit to the book store I found a whole wall of books about vegetable gardening and I’ve been reading on the subject since the 1970’s.  There are two contemporary books I can highly recommend:

“Golden Gate Gardening—A Complete Guide to Year-Round Food Gardening in the San Francisco Bay Area and Coastal California” by Pam Pierce, Sasquatch Books. 

“The Gardener’s A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food” by Tanya L. K. Denckla, Storey Books.  

Both of these books provide a good reference for growing specific vegetables and vegetable gardening in general.  Golden Gate Gardening also provides excellent detail on  growing vegetables specifically in our area.  I think almost any gardener can learn from reading the first part of this book.  Although I’ve found a lot of information on growing vegetables on the Internet, much of it is not applicable to our area or to the home gardener.  These books are a good place to start before looking for nuances of information on-line.

And if you’re going to start gardening, it’s time to be thinking about seeds—I already have 15 six packs of seeds planted and sprouting on my germinating heating pads.  The first sprouts were up after only a week, so I’ve turned on the lights.  I have been using commercial planting mix as the medium for starting my seeds but it hasn’t been entirely satisfactory in the past so I’ve sent away for some germinating mix to try for the first time.  There are recipes for preparing your own germinating mix but you need to have all the resources available.  

As for where to get seeds, you can start by hitting the local garden center and checking out their seed racks.  However, to get a sense of possibilities, seed catalogs are a great source.  You can go on-line and search for seeds from the various suppliers but I think it’s easier and more fun to go through the hard copies.  Here are a few we suggest:

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, 1-417-924-8917
    (the most beautiful vegetables you’ll ever see…)
Territorial Seed Company or 1-800-626-0866
Seeds of Change    1-888-762-7333      
Burpee    or 1-800-888-1447

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Snails and Slugs - The Constant Battle

From Bill with a few comments from Terry

Most gardeners in our area struggle with the control of snails and slugs.  Although baits can be effective controls some gardeners are reluctant to use them because of the possible hazard to children and pets.  In addition I understand that the baits will kill worms in the garden with one exception that I’ll mention later.

I’ve collected a long list of alternative ways to combat snails and slugs.   You’ll be able to find success with some of these.  However, the gardener must be persistent in eradicating these pests because, even though you succeed in getting rid of the adults, their eggs persist in the soil.  Diligence is the key. 

Here’s a list of ways to attack snails and slugs:
- Simply pick them up and crush them between you fingers or under foot.
- If you’re squeamish, you can put them in a mixture of water and dish soap and they will soon be dead.
- Go out at night with a flash light when they’re out and pick them as above.
- Put out empty grapefruit halves propped up and pick these up in a day or two and dispose of them with the slugs in them. 
- Lay out wet newspaper for a day or two and dispose with the slugs on it.
- Surround vulnerable plants with sharp gravel, egg shells or copper bands.
- Surround raised beds with cooper strips or gutter wire.
- Lay out a tarp with a small bowl of meat juice and go out with a flash light at 9-10 PM.
- Set out bowls of beer.  The slugs and snails are attracted and fall in, get drunk, and drown.  (From Terry:  I’ve found that cat food or tuna cans are the perfect size for this – hold a limited amount of beer - but are just right for slug drowning.  Trader Joe’s beer at $2.00 a sixpack draws them in just fine…)
- Spray your soil and plants with a mixture of one part ammonia to ten parts water.  It should kill the slugs and supposedly it does not damage the plants.
- Spray your plants with coffee.
- Weed regularly and clear plant debris so there are fewer places to hide.
- Water in the morning rather than the evening so the soil is not damp at night.
- Put out decoy food like lettuce leaves to tempt the slugs away from plants.
- Protect seedlings with cut plastic bottles.
- Line pots and containers with copper tape.
- Hoe regularly to bring slug and snail eggs to the surface where predators can get them.
- Phasmorhabiditis Hermaphrodita is a parasitic nematode that kills slugs.  I have not seen it for sale but it’s out there somewhere. (From Terry:  I tried it but my slugs seem to be immune and thriving.  It seemed like a great idea but don’t waste your money…) 
- Finally—Sluggo is a non-toxic slug and snail bait.  Iron phosphate is the active ingredient. Over time the Sluggo degrades and becomes a part of the soil.  Ingestion by the slugs and snails will cause them to cease feeding.  They begin to die in three to six days.  

I continue to regularly pick slugs and snails out of my garden.  I've tried beer, newspaper, and copper tape with varying success.  I now apply Sluggo on a regular basis because of the persistence of the eggs.  I'm now noticing a substantial reduction of the pests in my garden as a result.  However, Sluggo is expensive and requires frequent application.  Beer has to be refilled often  and copper tape is expensive and has to be kept clean.  Newspaper tends to dry out blow around.   So for the frugal gardener tried-and-true, day-to-day, (and night by night) hand-to-hand combat against snails and slugs is the best deterrent.  Try some of the ideas on the list and let us know how they work for you.